On June 3rd I typed the following into my Terminal.
mkdir faveroo
cd faveroo
git init
On August 15th I typed the following into my Terminal.
cd ~/src/faveroo
php deploy.php production
Then I watched and held my breath as my carefully crafted deployment script worked its way through 2 months of code and pushed them across the line. Then I fired up my browser and went to http://faveroo.com and waited for the now familiar homepage to show up... I'm sure it took less than a second to load, but it seemed like an eternity, finally it was up. I worked for the next few hours exercising the application through all its various operations, squishing little bugs here and there that popped up from being in a different environment. Two months of development, and finally it was live, and it actually worked. A few hours later we started hooking up people with sweet deals and putting money in the bank, mission accomplished.
Faveroo.com is my first project at my new job at 614 Media Group. It was a skunkworks project up through the end of July, so I couldn't come to this blog and talk about it. I did all of the coding for Faveroo and my colleague Jeff Guciardo did all the design work to make it look so pretty (it's probably the prettiest thing I've ever had the opportunity to create). The basic premise of the website is that our team of dedicated sales people go and find great local deals, then we throw them up on Faveroo.com, and then we help people save some cash. When you buy a Faveroo you save some money, the business makes money, we make money, and 3% of the sale automatically goes to charity, it's win-win-win-win. But I'm neither marketing nor sales, so I will stick with what I know and what I knows is tech, so let's talk about that for a minute.
Faveroo is a PHP website that includes the public frontend, a private backend, and a series of maintenance scripts that make sure everything works like clockwork. When I was starting up the Faveroo project I was given carte blanche as to how to build it. All of our other web properties use the classic LAMP stack, so to keep operations fairly sane and because I deeply love PHP, I decided to build out Faveroo on a classic LAMP stack as well. The code is Object Oriented, nearly MVC, PHP 5.2 code. I looked around, had been for a long time, at various PHP Web Frameworks. I had just come off of working with rails on a side project and so I knew the joy and frustration of work with a framework.
As you may be aware, I'm crazy in love with Flourish and decided that I would use it as a major component. I have been a fan of Flourish for a while now, probably over a year, but this was the first big application I was going to use it on, and really the first large scale from scratch application I have ever written. Now don't get me wrong, I'm no rookie to this slinging code stuff, I've maintained huge legacy applications, built middle-ware up from nothing, and even rewritten large applications to the point that almost all of the original code has been replaced. But this would be the first time that if I didn't like something in my code, it was because I was the stupid jack-ass that made such a boneheaded decision. Well, not the first time, but the first time I couldn't easily blame someone else ;)
I want to say that the decision to go with Flourish is probably what made the rapid turn around time possible. It's a wonderful library that helps you do things right but doesn't force you to do anything you don't need. The thing that amazed me as I used it is I started off only wanting to pull bits and pieces, maybe some fCryptography here and a little fMessaging there, but as I got familiar (and boy howdy did I get familiar) with the docs, I just found more and more amazing functionality and a beautifully coherent system. Flourish was clearly written to be used, and by the end of the project I found I was using almost every class. It's clearly a tool written for real world use from real world experience.
Flourish and jQuery are really the 2 big external dependencies for Faveroo, the rest of the code was written by me. I found this minimal system worked very well for me. I wrote a router in about 100 lines of PHP code, it's nothing earth shattering but I think it has a few novel ideas. I've since built a new version of this router that is shorter and has less complex code paths. At some point in the future I may try to make a more generic version of this router and release it open source. All of the model classes are fairly straightforward using the excellent fActiveRecord as a base.
I spent about a week spinning up my minimalist framework, but it paid off big. I knew how the system worked every step of the way, and more importantly, I could alter it in minor ways to achieve dramatic results. All of this is possible with established frameworks, but here I got away without having to climb up a learning curve. This gave me more time to understand the problem domain and to learn how to best use Flourish.
With this experience under my belt I'm looking forward to continuing to learn, and hopefully to contribute back to, Flourish and PHP development in general. This project has shown me that in 2 months I can go from nothing to cash hitting the bank account. I feel reinvigorated to make cool things that add value to people's lives and reassured of my abilities as a programmer. After a long period feeling burned out and wasted, I remember why I love programming, and why I love creating, and why this is the only thing I can ever see myself doing.