usable in any place a human can be used


who cares?

[caption id="attachment_573" align="alignright" width="300" caption="I shot who in the what now?"]man shrugging[/caption]

It's one of my favorite questions to ask during a technical discussion. Who cares? Some others I like to throw out our, why should I care? why does it matter? and I don't care! Am I some sort of raging lunatic completely out of my mind and trying to pick a fight with everyone I meet? Yes, but that's not why I ask these questions. I ask these questions because as great as the big picture is we sometimes have to drop complexities to get stuff done.

When you have a big flow diagram or giant UML Class Hierarchy it can be fun to think about the abstract way that things interact and how you can pass state around and whatnot. This definitely is useful for getting a feel for a new system, but then there comes the worst part of any software developer's job, actually getting things done. You see that's what we get paid for, actually putting our fingers on keys, typing stuff out, compiling it, and shipping a product. Part of this is doing the upfront design work and getting all of our t's crossed and i's dotted, but just as important is actually getting something working.

I talked about this before in my post about simplifying things. This simple question, "who cares?" (you can be more diplomatic about it if you like) is a great tool for getting to the heart of a problem. I like the simplicity and straight-forwardness of the question, it normally catches people off guard and challenges their assumptions.

Frank: So we need to pass this data into the layer
Bob: Who cares?
Frank (taken aback): I care, I care deeply about this data
Bob: But why do you care about it being in that layer, its just going to hand it off to this layer, and that layer doesn't care at all about it
Frank: I guess you are right, we don't need it there

BAM!!! Problem simplified! For anyone that's ever taken any education classes you may recognize this as a rather blunt application of Socratic Method. The point is confrontation, but not between the two people discussing something, between each person and their preconceived notions about a problem or situation.

In High School I took a chemistry class, it is one of the few classes that I really remember in any detail from so long ago, the teacher taught the entire semester in Socratic Method. He would question us, we would experiment, we would reason out why we observed what we observed, he prodded us, and we cherished our knowledge. Anyone can tell you water is composed of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom, but when you had to work for it, when you had to defend your knowledge of it from scrutiny, it became concrete, it became your discovery.

Applying this to software development is useful, we can get locked into our preconceived notions, and direct, blunt, sometimes even rude questions can spur you to really consider what you are talking about. Software is incredibly fluid, sometimes an idea or concept can become out-dated in a matter of months or a matter of hours. The biggest ones are the most difficult to challenge, because they often have the most dependent code around them, but this makes them the most important to constantly consider.

Keeping your conceptual design, implementation, and solution in lock step with a problem domain often involves some amount of change, that change can be hard to come by though. By challenging our standing beliefs we can find new avenues for exploration or strengthen the existing techniques and gain a better understanding of them.


  1. :)

    What if I don't care but someone else I don't know of does? Should I always assume I have perfect knowledge of everyone's interests. You know how sometimes you get some funky requirements, and you can't fathom why they're there?

    My rational instinct is to discard everything I don't see as necessary, and then when something breaks, add only the minimal amount back in. I'm doing it right now with flight path angle, downrange and altitude information. As far as I can tell the flight path angle is pretty well locked to the other data.

  2. The great part about asking "who cares" is that you can either remove some piece of complexity or find out who cares and gain an appreciation and deeper understanding of your system

  3. [...] The Blackbox, cornerstone of computer science, thing of mystery and beauty. It is the fundamental concept that allows us to build bigger and better abstractions, making life easier for everyone. A blackbox is something that has well defined inputs and outputs but the manner in which it functions in unknown. The classic example of this is a library function, sqrt(9) takes the number 9 and returns the square root 3. There is a well defined input (in this case 9) and a well defined output (the square root, 3). How does the function produce this result, who cares? [...]
