usable in any place a human can be used


division of labor

[caption id="attachment_280" align="alignright" width="216" caption="cartoon labor"]cartoon labor[/caption]

When building or analyzing any system of significant complexity the most important thing to determine is a proper division of labor. The entire idea of n-tier architecture is built on dividing labor up into the appropriate tiers and keeping them cleanly separated. For anyone that's ever worked on a real world system half of the difficulty is caused by one layer leaking into another and the other half is getting around the separation caused by separation.

Despite my last sentence, division of labor is a necessary and good part of design. When done right it allows you to know where functions, variables, and constants should live, how things should interact, and who is the system of record. This is why it is imperative to decide beforehand or shortly into a project what the lines of demarcation are and who is responsible for what.

Prosper is one of a group of libraries, with well defined divisions of labor. This allows the libraries to be decoupled, and also has the added benefit of letting me know when I'm done. When I found myself adding functionality to Prosper the other day that I knew belongs in the next library, I realized that it was time to officially start the next library. So a new skunkworks project is moving ahead full steam, it contains 2 parts that work together, and so again requires a well defined division of labor.

Just because work has begun on a new library doesn't mean that Prosper is left out in the cold, yesterday I added support for the deprecated mysql library, standardized construction, and added better support for native functionality. If you are checking out Prosper, you can follow the latest development by pulling from the svn repo.

Back on topic though, figuring out the division of labor is the most important part of any analysis or design work. We recently at work had a 2 hour long discussion about order numbers. It went something along the lines of this:

BA: This order number comes from the Mainframe
Expert: No the Application creates that number
Dev: So, what does the SOA layer need to do?
BA: Generate the number
Expert: No, do nothing, the Application will automatically do it
Dev: Wait so who is responsible for creating the order number, and if its not the Mainframe why is it making one?
Expert: The Mainframe always made that number and the Application has always ignored it.
BA: So we will make it in the SOA Layer?
Dev: Who is in charge of making the unique identifier order number?!
Expert: [shrug]?
BA: [shrug]?
Dev: Let's decide that first

Explicit division of labor requires you to pull the unspoken assumptions everyone has about the system out of the silence of our own minds and puts it into the blinding daylight. Suddenly communication is smoother, arguments come to an end, because there is some record to consult to help guide decisions.

Draw out your explicit divisions of labor, don't carve it in stone though, if your original design ends up being too inflexible, allow it to change, but again, bring all the unspoken assumptions back out into the open. This allows you to cleanly define what piece is in charge of what function, keep layers from leaking into each other, and make for smoother development and analysis.

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